The World's most popular immigration advice site

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We are pleased to announce that both and have ranked as the most popular immigration advice site in the World. No other private sector immigration consultancy or immigration law firm in the World receive as many visitors as we do.

In fact, most official Government web sites around the World covering immigration and work permit procedures receive fewer visitors than the site. We are consistently in the top search engine hits across a wide variety of immigration and visa-related terms, despite having zero expenditure on internet advertising. is also one of the oldest established immigration web sites having been on the Internet for ten years.

Being so popular, numerous other web sites have tried to copy us. So far no one else has been able to achieve the unique blend of regular news items, video immigration news, and detailed information on entry requirements around the World that has.

Our portal is growing and evolving, so please feel free to explore. We always are happy to receive feedback on how we may improve our website, content and services.

Thank you, the Internet community, for making us so popular.