US - Homosexual refugee wins asylum in the United States

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A homosexual Nigerian man who fled his native country last year andwas held for 11 months while he awaited asylum in the United States haswon the right to stay. The Nigerian fled to America after an angry mobmurdered his second partner upon discovering that the two men wereromantically involved.

He arrived in New York withoutimmigration documents and was taken into custody by Immigration andCustoms Enforcement. The gay advocacy group Immigration Equality soonmet with the refugee and secured pro-bono legal representation for him.

Earlierthis year the Nigerian's asylum request was rejected in large partbecause he was unable to present documentary evidence corroborating hisclaim. But his attorney helped him obtain his slain partner's deathcertificate, and a key witness stepped forward to testify on hisbehalf. A new hearing was scheduled pending new evidence and after areview the court ruled the Nigerian's life would be at risk if he wouldreturn to his home country.

The Nigerian is permitted to remainin the United States indefinitely and can apply for legal permanentresidence after one year. Still, the Department of Homeland Securityhas reserved appeal in the case, so his ordeal may not be over.

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