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Irish Immigration instead of UK Immigration!

13:39 02/09/2015
If you are unable to stay in the UK or are considering immigration to an English speaking EU Country it may be worth considering Ireland as an immigration destination. Regulations on Irish work...

UK Border Agency awards contract to outsourcing firm Capita.

18:09 19/09/2012
The UK Border Agency (UKBA), one of Britain's main immigration authorities, has placed a contract to find and deport illegal immigrants in the hands of a private sector company, Capita. The contract...

New resource projects in Australia could bring in more foreign workers

10:34 08/08/2012
Australian Immigration Minister Chris Bowen has announced new resources projects in Queensland and Western Australia that may make more positions available for skilled foreign workers. Bowen said...

US - New law cracks down on employee outsourcing

16:29 03/01/2005
A new law approved by President Bush makes it tougher for U.S. employers to get L-1B visas for oversees workers, as announced by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. The L-1 Visa Reform Act...