
Geoff Livingston on Flickr
DACA immigrants risk US visa status amid George Floyd protests
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1:31 10/06/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : Astonishing things are happening around the World since the death of George Floyd . It seems that Minneapolis Police are going to be disbanded . It was a Minneapolis Police...
Do not work with US visa officials Google employees urge
22:10 16/08/2019
Sanwar Ali comment: Immigration is an emotive area. More so under Trump. There have been numerous concerns about conditions in detention camps for migrants. Families have been separated Trump’s harsh...
Trump US visa and border officer recruitment drive fails
21:57 01/02/2019
Sanwar Ali workpermit.com comment: The cost of recruitment for US visa border staff and others so far seems enormous. Trump has claimed in the past how good he is at deal making. This recruitment...
Canada and US announces changes to NEXUS program
9:42 09/05/2012
The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) and the US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) announced 8 May changes to the NEXUS membership process in order to increase NEXUS membership. The NEXUS...