
Photo by World Travel & Tourism Council...
Mayorkas confirmed as first Latino and immigrant head of DHS
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20:12 07/02/2021
Alejandro Mayorkas has been confirmed by the US Senate as the head of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to become the first ever Latino and immigrant to be appointed to the role. Mayorkas...
Mayorkas US green card scandal jeopardizes nomination
11:13 29/11/2020
President-elect Joe Biden’s nomination to lead the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) already faces disqualification amid a US green card scandal. Senator Tom Cotton, Republican representative...
Senate $3 billion aid bill to bailout US immigration agencies
22:51 30/07/2020
Comments by Sanwar Ali : As expected there is now a Republican funding proposal. There were mixed messages on the funding requirement. As mentioned in a recent report a Senate committee suggested...
Trump US visa and border officer recruitment drive fails
21:57 01/02/2019
Sanwar Ali comment: The cost of recruitment for US visa border staff and others so far seems enormous. Trump has claimed in the past how good he is at deal making. This recruitment...
New York bombings raise further concerns over US immigrant screening
21:59 03/11/2016
Concerns over US immigrant screening continues to grow following a spate of terror attacks that hit the US in the space of 12 hours in September 2016. Attacks in New York, New Jersey and Minnesota on...
Mexico seeking EU and United Nations support to oppose US security wall
9:56 10/10/2006
• Watch This Video Last week, U.S. President Bush signed a $35 billion homeland security bill that includes $1.2 billion for a security wall along the U.S. -Mexico border to stem illegal immigration...