Slovakia is already accepting EU blue card applications

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Slovakian immigration law has been updated to include a new directive from the European Union for a blue card scheme for non-EU workers. From 20 July 2011, the blue card has been available for non-EU nationals who wish to work and gain residence rights in Slovakia.

The blue card scheme is an initiative created by the European Commission to help attract highly skilled workers to the EU.

A blue card applicant must have a written offer of a job in a participating member state and must be genuinely qualified for the position and must be educated to at least degree level. The applicant must also have at least five years of relevant experience in one of the occupations in the official list of qualifying occupations.

The blue card is good for an initial period of three years.

The Slovak labour office is still awaiting an official list of qualifying occupations, but have started accepting applications in the meantime.