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UK shortage list updated

10:35 01/08/2001
The UK 'shortage list' for work permits has been updated. It now includes dieticians, and all categories of registered nurses and midwives.

Japanese Working Holidaymakers in the UK

14:31 01/04/2001
Following the agreement by Prime Ministers Blair and Mori the UK-Japan YouthExchange scheme will begin in April 2001. It will provide opportunities for young British and Japanese people todevelop a...

Workpermits UK moves department

10:55 10/01/2001
Following the recent break up of the Department for Education and Employment, 'workpermits UK', the government body who issue work permits, will now become part of the Home Office, and will be within...

Independent migration to the UK moves a step closer

16:40 15/10/2000
New Home Secretary David Blunkett announced that one of his priorities will be to introduce a scheme for independent migration to the UK ('Green Cards'). Although no more detail has been announced,...

Innovator visa

11:48 01/10/2000
Latest News - The UK government has launched a new type of visa for ‘Innovators’ – those with good ideas and business experience but little capital. Innovator visas are not covered in this guide –...

Possible UK Green Card scheme

9:59 29/09/2000
Following a large number of enquiries, we would like to point out that as of yet, there are no plans to introduce a US-style ‘Green Card’ or Australian-style ‘points system’ in the UK. The Government...
