Australia immigration changes will help older workers, graduates and fluent English speakers

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In July 2011, Australia will implement significant changes to its points based Australian immigration system. One important change is that people up to the age of 49 will now be able to apply for skilled immigration to Australia.

If you are a tradesperson and/or you are not so fluent in English it may be worth applying now. If you are a graduate with excellent English and in your mid to late 40s you may benefit from the July 2011 changes; Australian immigration realizes that many people in their mid to late 40s are just reaching the peak of their careers.

The Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) welcomed the increased age limit, stating that the planned changes are "reflecting both shifts in the workforce age and the Australian value of fairness."

The Australian economy stands to gain significantly from increased immigration. Unemployment is expected to fall in many parts of Australia, leading to skills shortages; This means that Australia will have to allow in more overseas workers.

Australia has a skilled immigration policy that in recent years has attracted hundreds of thousands of skilled immigrants to Australia. The new changes from July 2011 will make it more difficult for tradespeople and for those who are not fluent in English to emigrate to Australia.

Australia has benefitted enormously be letting in both tradespeople and professional level people. The emphasis on immigration of professional level workers in preference to tradespeople may not be in the long term interests of Australia. On the other hand allowing more people in their forties to emigrate to Australia is probably in the long term interests of Australia.