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Important update (29 September 2006) :
Please see US Green Card Lottery (DV-2008) information for more detailed information.
Original article:
Popularly known as the United States Green Card Lottery, the DV-2008 Lottery will begin in two short weeks. Get prepared now!
The United States Department of State, Bureau of Consular Affairs Electronic Diversity Visa Lottery for 2008 (DV-2008 Lottery) will begin at noon, EDT on 04 October 2006. It will end at noon, EST on 03 December 2006.
• The English version of the 2008 Diversity Visa Lottery instructions is now available.
• After you have carefully reviewed the instructions, you will need to submit via the Diversity Visa electronic Entry Form during the registration period, between noon, Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) (GMT-4), Wednesday, October 4, 2006 and noon Eastern Standard Time (EST) (GMT-5) Sunday, December 3, 2006.
Additional Languages
• Translations in additional languages will be published as they become available.
Related:• US Green Card Lottery
• The US Green Card Lottery: one family's story
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