New Zealand travel and migration statistics for September

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New figures from Statistics New Zealand show that migration flows into New Zealand are continuing to slow.

For the past year ending in September 2007, net permanent long-term migration was 8,300, down from the net gain of 13,200 in the year ending in September of 2006.

However, during the month of September 2007 alone, permanent long-term arrivals exceeded departures by 700 -- an increase of 400 over September 2006.

In the year ending in September 2007, annual passenger movements (arrivals and departures) topped nine million for the first time. There were 4.953 million overseas visitor movements, 3.892 short-term New Zealand resident movements, and 157,700 permanent and long-term migrant movements.

Visitor arrivals were up four percent for the year ending in September -- up four percent over the previous year. There were more visitors arriving from Australia, China, and the United Kingdom, but fewer visitors from Japan and the United States.

New Zealand residents departed on 208,500 short term trips during the month of September 2007, up 6,500 (3 percent) over September 2006.

Statistics New Zealand stated that this was due in large part to the Rugby World Cup held in France and the United Kingdom during September and October 2007. New Zealand residents departed on 4,000 more trips to France and 2,500 more trips to the United Kingdom in September 2007.

A surprising finding was the enormous growth in recent years for New Zealand as a destination. Fifty years ago, total passenger movements only totalled 145,000. The same figure is now reached in less than a week.